Today's practice sketch was a little larger again (more time to play today). I started with a pencil sketch, India ink, micron pen scribbles, and a quick bit of blue watercolour. I am really not sure where I am going with this daily practice, but I have committed to keep going, to see where it goes. Now that golf season is almost over, I have more time to work on it. The only other thing on my art plate currently is a couple of commissions.
Today was our (Kym Wolfe and I) book signing at Indigo North, London. We were set up just inside the front door. Thanks to everyone who came out for the conversation and book purchases. This was a quick daily sketch in my small sketchbook.
Time for a change today. A human portrait with a time limit of 20 minutes. Started with a light pencil drawing, micron pen scribbles, watercolour paint, but only 2 colours. Size 12 inches x 9 inches.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - busy with work and life and computer issues, so just quick sketches in my small sketchbook/journal. I hope for more dedicated art time in the next few days!
Sunday (24ºC) and Monday (25ºC) were very warm days for Mid to late October, so sitting on the deck was the location for a couple of sketches in my small sketchbook.
Pixley Mausoleum at Woodland Cemetery, designed by architects Moore and Henry, to commemorate Annie Pixley (actress and singer), wife of Robert Pulford. What a beautiful day to sketch outdoors, a little chilly at 10am but warmed up nicely by noon. So much history at this cemetery, I will have to go back. I thought this structure would be relatively easy to draw, but it was complicated. Pencil, micron pen, and waterbrush with diluted india ink.
January 2025