A couple more urban sketches yesterday. First: a noon visit to Art with Panache then coffee and sketch. Second: an evening at Western Fair District Raceway. Since I am not interested in gambling, it was just another opportunity for a drink and draw... some people practice and enjoy a beverage.
Starting January 1st, I participated in a 10-day "Collage Joy Taster" by artist Catherine Raines. It's not that I want to be a collage artist, I just needed to change things up.
The workshop included: setting intentions, creating a limited colour palette, making paper using various techniques (crayon resist, scrapping, water resist, bubble, marble), and finally creating collages. Lots of fun, just playing around with paints, papers, etc. but not very successful in the end. I may circle back to collage art in the future. I found "asemic" writing (mark-making that resembles handwriting) to be my favorite part of the course. I also found that the "closing ritual" was something that I would incorporate into my art routine.
Just because scribbling is fun, and I like animals. During the process of scribbles, I was not concerned about the end product. But I like them, so I will probably add some text to each and print some Art Cards.
Urban Sketchers London Ontario met at White Oaks Mall for the monthly meetup. Using my favourite sketchbook (4 x 6 inches) - pencil, micron pen, waterbrush with India ink, and a touch of colour. Tim Hortons was lined up down the hallway the whole time I was sketching. Couple other recent PRACTICE sketches in my small sketchbook. First one, I was sitting on the couch and sketched as if I was looking down on the room. Second one - Enjoyed a beverage, while indoor playing ball with Coco. Third one - Coco snoozing on the couch... she stretches right out and leaves me with a sliver of space!
A few days of self-portraits, from photos - just for fun. Random reference photos, random styles, and colours.
Start with a quick pencil sketch, a micron ink pen, my very old Laurentien pencil crayons, and sometimes markers. More daily sketching in my little sketchbook. Coco is a constant theme and she spends a lot of time sleeping on the couch.
I read a lot. So my practice sketches from the last 2 days are the last 2 books I read.
Beautiful Scars by Tom Wilson - a musician, author, storyteller, artist from Hamilton ON. Radford's Practical Barn Plans - a reprint of a book from 1909. |
January 2025