I have been asked "why do I call some of my artworks - sketches and some of my artworks - drawings?"
Official Definitions sketch: a rough drawing representing the chief features of an object or scene and often made as a preliminary study drawing: the art or technique of representing an object or outlining a figure, plan, or sketch by means of lines I find a "sketching" in a sketchbook fun and relaxing. There is no pressure to please other people. I am using a sketchbook, which is relatively inexpensive, (usually) acid free, 60 lb paper with a fine tooth surface. The finished product is just for me. I find my lines are freer and there is more life in the sketch when I am not concerned about exact shape, size, colour, etc. Most of my commissions required more detail. I use a much more expensive substrate, (usually) Arches Watercolour Hot Press 140 lb, and 100% cotton paper. The challenge is always to keep the "life and character" in the finished drawing. I would say... my finished artworks fit somewhere in the grey area between a sketch and a drawing. My finished works are not exact, but they are close.
January 2025