I read a lot. So my practice sketches from the last 2 days are the last 2 books I read.
Beautiful Scars by Tom Wilson - a musician, author, storyteller, artist from Hamilton ON. Radford's Practical Barn Plans - a reprint of a book from 1909. Since Within Walking Distance has been hung and opened. (Thanks to everyone who came!) It's time to begin another project, or at least decide what I will spend my time working and creating. Been doing lots of thinking and I have no idea so far. Thoughts include dogs, barn history, urban sketching, and reportage... So, I think it may start with just more daily sketching. More enjoyment of the process and NOT focusing on the finished product. Try to change things up.
Currently reading this book.... by Seth Godin, a bestselling author and speaker who shares his thoughts on topics ranging from business to technology to art. (check out his BLOG). The first sentence of the book "Shipping, because it doesn't count if you don't share it" And I thought - this book is for me! Our book is available at various locations across London. And excited to announce that our book will soon (before Father's Day, in case you are looking for a unique gift for your father) be available at Chapter Indigo North London!! (Richmond Centre, 86 Fanshawe, London, Ontario)
January 2025