A couple more urban sketches yesterday. First: a noon visit to Art with Panache then coffee and sketch. Second: an evening at Western Fair District Raceway. Since I am not interested in gambling, it was just another opportunity for a drink and draw... some people practice and enjoy a beverage.
For the last couple of days, I drew some feet. I have to admit... I hate feet. But, when figure drawing, you need to be able to draw them. Based on what I am showing here... I need more practice!!
There was another great model at TAP this afternoon. Those three hours of sketching go so fast! I'm changing it up with a new toned sketchbook.
More daily practice, this time some famous portraits using scribbles in my 8.5 x 11-inch sketchbook. I do a quick pencil sketch and then a black pen. Each one is done in the 10 to 15-minute range. I am having fun with this scribble style, and it is very freeing. No time for all the details.... just keep the pen moving quickly.
Today's practice sketch was a little larger again (more time to play today). I started with a pencil sketch, India ink, micron pen scribbles, and a quick bit of blue watercolour. I am really not sure where I am going with this daily practice, but I have committed to keep going, to see where it goes. Now that golf season is almost over, I have more time to work on it. The only other thing on my art plate currently is a couple of commissions.
Time for a change today. A human portrait with a time limit of 20 minutes. Started with a light pencil drawing, micron pen scribbles, watercolour paint, but only 2 colours. Size 12 inches x 9 inches.
I sketched for a couple of hours today, but was not happy with any of them! I was sketching from a photo and it was just NOT working. I think it's time to return to some live model figure drawing, which I have not attended since springtime. I picked what I thought was the best and shredded the rest! After all, It's just practice. Micron pen and pencil, 18 x 12 inches
January 2025